
We have a 30-day return policy, which means you can request a return within 30 days of receiving the item. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will process your return/exchange request as long as you contact us within 30 (working days) of receipt of the item. Any request after 30 days will not be entertained. Please ensure that the purchased product is in good condition (undamaged, unstained, undeformed, unwashed, and free of signs of use, with labels) your original confirmation email or text message, and the order as proof of purchase.

Please contact our online store customer service representative or email nivtt@hotmail.com to obtain a return authorization and arrange a logistics return.
Just send an email to nivtt@hotmail.com.
In your email, please include:

(1) Your name and order number
(2) Specify “refund” or “exchange”
(3) The name or description of the product you are not satisfied with (photo and/or video of the item)
(4) In case of replacement, please specify the product you wish to receive
(5) We will provide return instructions and immediately issue a full refund and/or tracking information for your exchange.

Please note: Return policy does not apply to custom products

Our customer service staff will determine the eligibility of your return request within 3 business days.
Return the item: If your return is accepted, we will send you the return address, along with instructions on how and where to send the package. (Note: Unauthorized returned items will not be accepted).


1 – If the return is due to our problem (such as an incorrect product, or product quality problem), we will provide you with a full refund; the buyer does not need to pay for shipping, and we contract the taxes incurred.

2 – If the return is due to a buyer’s problem (eg: don’t like/want the item, or ordered the wrong product/size), the buyer will pay for shipping. Additional charges may apply when the package arrives for dispatch. You may be responsible for export duties imposed by your country of residence and payment of these charges is necessary to release your order from customs.

No restocking fees are charged to consumers for returned products

Refund or Exchange: When we receive your return/exchange, we will inspect the item within 2-5 business days and then offer the exchange.


Once your return has been received and reviewed, we will notify you to approve or deny your refund. If you are approved, a refund will be provided in the original form of payment within 2-3 business days.
If you haven’t received your refund within 2-3 business days, please check your bank account again. Then contact your bank or credit card company. It may take some time before the refund is officially released. If you’ve done all of this and still haven’t received your refund, please contact us at nivtt@hotmail.com.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not refund our original shipping charges.

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